Social Media Marketing Services
Social Media Marketing consists of marketing and strategically creating customer/interest bases on various social platforms. The most common platforms are of course Facebook and Twitter. New social media platforms appear all of the time and some of them take hold rather quickly. Did you know that Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social sites ever created?
Did you also know that you can profit from all of these platforms and more?
Our social media team members are experts in marketing socially and know all of the latest and most advanced tips and tricks to keep your website or business ahead of the curve in amazing ways.
As an example: we recommended to one of our most recent clients’ that they have a Facebook account which they interestingly had never even used before. We explained how important it was for the social interaction as well as the SEO value. He hesitated, got nervous… then just did it!
Within a couple of days he had connected to about 10 friends and got his very first client through Facebook.
A good friend of his had forgotten what business our client was involved in until he saw his website on Facebook and in turn, referred our client to the owner of his company.
Another client who’s business we connected socially had great results within a couple of weeks and saw an increase in business and requests for their landscaping services using the same process. A little information can go a long way.
Keeping up with Facebook and Twitter is time consuming but it is very necessary to keep your customers informed and up to date on the latest services or products you are offering. Keeping your customer or interest base informed on a regular basis will keep you on the top of their mind when they need your services.
It can even help your website rank higher in the search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.
When you have an informative social media page with regular updates you will have clients coming back to you time and time again. Let’s face it … we’re all connected nowadays. You may as well take advantage of those connections and build a business that is ahead of your competitors. Give us a call or send us a message now so we can help you get connected and get results!
If you would like a FREE social media marketing services consultation
Call (435) 830-4341 or Toll Free (888) 828-2212